
Backup Access

Whenever you connect to your containers or volumes over SSH, our systems attempt to place your backups in a centralized directory within your SSH session. This is where the actual content that the files in your /container/backups or /backups directories refer to.

If the data in this centralized directory is missing, then attempting to access your backups will fail. This directory can be empty for a number of reasons:

  • Your container/volume is less than a day old. Backups are run once a day, so your new content will not have been backed up yet.
  • Your server is running low on resources, and adding backups to your SSH session is currently not possible.
  • An unexpected error occurred while trying to add your backups to the SSH session.

If accessing your backups isn't working, try disconnecting from your SSH session and logging in again. If issues persist, please get in touch with our support team.